Country groups

Country Groups used for Membership Fees and Participation Fees (valid 2022-2024)

The European Choral Association applies a solidarity system for membership fees as well as participation fees for cooperation events of the European Choral Association and events under its label. The system is based on the index of the International Monetary Fund and is reviewed every three years.

The list below only shows European countries plus Israel. For other countries outside Europe we refer to the Membership Groups used by IFCM based on the UN Human Development Index (find here the index used by IFCM) with:

  • all countries belonging to the IFCM HDI group 1 belonging to country group 1 of the European Choral Association
  • all countries belonging to the IFCM HDI groups 2 and 3 belonging to country group 2 of the European Choral Association
  • Country Group 3 being reserved for European countries

If you are not sure which country group your country belongs to, write to


country code countrygroup
Albania AL 3
Armenia AM 3
Austria AT 1
Belarus BY 3
Belgium BE 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 3
Bulgaria BG 3
Croatia HR 2
Cyprus CY 2
Czech Republic CZ 2
Denmark DK 1
Estonia EE 2
Finland FI 1
France FR 1
Georgia GE 3
Germany DE 1
Greece GR 2
Hungary HU 2
Iceland IS 1
Ireland IE 1
Israel IL 1
Italy IT 1
Latvia LV 2
Liechtenstein LI 1
Lithuania LT 2
Luxembourg LU 1
Malta MT 1
Moldova MD 3
Montenegro ME 3
North Macedonia MK 3
Norway NO 1
Poland PL 2
Portugal PT 2
Romania RO 3
Russia RU 3
Serbia RS 3
Slovakia SK 2
Slovenia SI 2
Spain ES 1
Sweden SE 1
Switzerland CH 1
The Netherlands NL 1
Türkiye TR 3
Ukraine UA 3
United Kingdom UK 1