There are 37 milion choral singers in Europe
The final report of the pilot research project “singing europe” has been published. Based on two years of exploration of data sources, and through innovative surveys, the report shows that 4,5% of the European population actively participates in collective singing activities. This represents 37 Million collective singers on the European continent, gathered in about 1 million choirs or ensembles.
Collective singing thus proves to be a major cultural activity, providing singers with direct benefits in terms of social integration, health, and cultural development.
With two thirds of the conductors being paid for their work, and all the associated services (premises, concerts, travels, instrumentalists, pedagogy, scores, etc.), collective singing is also creating local added value: most of the money invested by participants and funding authorities is valorised and used locally, or in the frame of European exchanges. In times where a significant part of the added value of the music market is extradited overseas, collective singing contributes positively to the economic development of the continent.
The free report offers a rich insight on the demographic, economic, social and cultural dimension of collective singing in Europe.
The European Choral Association presents Singing Europe Revisited!
This exciting addendum to the 2015 report is the result of the IGNITE project and our regional development strategy.
The report highlights new insights into collective singing across Europe, focusing on Central-Eastern and South-Eastern countries. While not all countries could provide full data, this marks a major step forward and opens the door to even greater collaboration in the future.
Explore the European choral landscape and celebrate the power of singing together!


Singing Europe is a research programme initiated by the VOICE European Cooperation Project.
With the support from the European Union.
More information on www.thevoiceproject.eu
With the support of the Culture programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The 2024 revisited version took frame within the IGNITE project (2021-2024) co-funded by the EU.