All events promoted by the European Choral Association are based on the following principles:
- events for choirs and singers, vocal leaders/conductors, creators/composers, educators/teachers and managers, organised by the European Choral Association or in partnership are non-competitive. Among the activities promoted there can be special competitions or educational offers in relation to competitions, especially if the organisers are members of the Choral Festival Network.
- all events have an educational aspect (which can be a training courses, workshops, choir-to-choir concerts, open singing or other elements which help participants improve their level of knowledge).
- all events are international, welcoming participants from outside the host country and providing information and activities in English for an important part of the programme.
There are three basic types of events published under the label of the European Choral Association:
Cooperation Events of the European Choral Association
These events are designed by the European Choral Association and travel between different countries.
They have a typical structure that remains the same with some aspects adapted each time. The European Choral Association is involved in the artistic design and in the most important decision-making processes, furthermore, the participation fees include reduced fees for direct and indirect members of the European Choral Association as well for participants from specific country groups (European Choral Association fee system based on a solidarity principle). Such activities are:
- EUROPA CANTAT festival
- Leading Voices
- EuroChoir
- World Youth Choir
- Conferences in connection with our annual General Assembly
- Youth Choirs in Movement (until 2019)
- Competition for young choral conductors (until 2019)
- European award for choral composers (until 2021)
Events under the Label of the European Choral Association
Events for choirs, singers, vocal leaders/conductors, creators/composers, educators/teachers, managers, and/or choral lovers, with differing and flexible structure and programmes. The artistic programme is developed in partnership with the European Choral Association and the participation fees are based on the European Choral Association solidarity system.
International events supported by the European Choral Association
Different types of International choral events organised by partner organisations or organisations in which the European Choral Association is a member, and which follow the three principles described above. The concept, structure and artistic programme are developed by the local organisers alone and the European Choral Association has no responsibility for the quality of these events.
If you are interested to organise an activity in cooperation with us or under our label please contact our office under: communication@EuropeanChoralAssociation.org