IGNITE Grants for Internationalisation and Inclusion

In the frame of the IGNITE project, the European Choral Association offers grants to organisations holding choral events, which are looking to:
- attract a new international audience, or
- make their events more inclusive.
The aim of the call is to help organisers who want to upgrade their events to an international level for the first time, or to upgrade their existing offer with a new offer for an international audience, and/or to cover additional costs related to the greater inclusivity of their events.
CALL 2024
The IGNITE call for 2024 closed on October 31, 2023, for which the selection Committee selected the following events:
Bodø, Norway| 7-11/08/2024
Organisers: Ung i Kor and Ung kirkesang
Aim group: boys choirs
Contact: arcticboys@sang.no
Further information on: https://sang.no/arcticboyschoirfestival/
Organisers: Serbian Choral Association
Aim group: atelier for mixed voices
Contact: info@cxa.rs
Further information on: https://cxa.rs/en/project/singing-bridges/
Ruda Śląska, Poland| 25/05/2024
Organisers: Artifices Artificibus Association
Aim group: children, youth, adult choirs, vocal groups
Contact: noc.chorow@gmail.com
Further information on: https://www.nocchorow.pl/
Arta, Greece | 26-28 /4/2024
Organisers: Cultural Association of Arta “Makrigiannis”
Aim group: adult choirs
Funding conditions:
- All organisations organising relevant events will be eligible to apply. It will not be a requirement to be a member of the European Choral Association.
- Physical persons are not eligible for this call.
- To be eligible, events should take place before the end of October 2024
- The call is open to events taking place in Europe and organised by European organisations (by Europe, we mean Europe in the broadest sense).
- Events may be online, physical or hybrid and must involve training.
- Concerts and competitions are not eligible.
A maximum of 2000€ will be granted per event.
Application form: https://forms.gle/zU36aC2fvV4Ct5DQ7
Deadline: 31 October 2023
Contact: Jozi.Vovk@EuropeanChoralAssociation.org
Good luck with your application!
Call 2023
The second IGNITE call closed on February 28, 2023, for which the Commission selected the following events:
Tirana, Albania | 21/06/2023
Organisers: Association Syri Blu – Blue Eye
Aim group: for all people, especially blind & partially sighted people
Gliwice, Poland | 7 – 15/10/2023
Organisers: Fundacja Chórtownia
Aim group: Adult choirs, youth choirs, children choirs
Madrid, Spain | February/March 2024
Organisers: AEDCORO (Spanish Choral Conductor’s Association)
Aim group: Conductors, composers, singers, music teachers, students and choral enthusiasts
Šiauliai, Lithuania |10 – 16/4/2023
Organisers: Concert Institution Polifonija State Chamber Choir
Aim group: Choral enthusiasts, singers, students, vocal groups and choirs, conductors
Funding Conditions:
- All organisations organising relevant events are eligible to apply. It is not required to be a member of the European Choral Association.
- Physical persons are not eligible for this call
- To be eligible, events should take place before the end of October 2024
- The IGNITE call is open to events taking place in Europe and organised by European organisations (by Europe, we mean Europe in the broadest sense).
- Events may be online, physical or hybrid and must involve training
- Concerts and competitions are not eligible
A maximum of 2000 € will be granted per event.
Deadline: 28 of February 2023
Please Click Here to Go to the Application Form.
Contact: Jozi.Vovk@EuropeanChoralAssociation.org
Good luck with your application!
Call 2022
- IV FERIA DE CORO (4th National Choral Fair & EXPO), Burgos, Spain
In the frame of the IGNITE project, the European Choral Association is pleased to be able to offer grants to organisations holding choral events, who are looking to:
– attract international audience, or
– make their events more inclusive.
All organisations holding relevant events are welcome to apply. It is not a requirement to be a member of the European Choral Association. Private persons are not eligible for this call.
To be eligible, events should take place before the end of October 2024. Events may be online, physical or hybrid and must involve training. Concerts and competitions are not eligible.
A maximum of 2000€ is available per event.
The aim is to help organisers cover additional costs connected to the internationalisation or greater inclusivity of their events. Eligible costs include:
– Fees for international speakers/lecturers
– Travel expenses, accommodation expenses for international speakers/lecturers or persons accompanying participants with special needs
– Other expenses for improving the accessibility for people with disabilities
– Renting technical equipment for translations
– Fees for technicians
– Fees for translators
Deadline: 10 June 2022
Expected Notification of results: by end of June 2022
Please Click Here to Go to the Application Form
If you have any questions, please contact Joži Vovk at jozi.vovk@EuropeanChoralAssociation.org
Good luck with your application!