The European Choral Association and the Bonner Schumannfest are continuing their fruitful cooperation with a concert and workshop at the 25th anniversary of the Bonner Schumannfest.
Concert on June 15th, 17h, Trinitatiskirche Bonn-Endenich featuring the Estonian Radio Children’s Choir and their German host choir the Songbirds
On Saturday, June 15th, the Estonian Radio Children’s Choir, conducted by Kaie Tanner and Kadri Hunt, will perform Arvo Pärt’s Children’s songs and other contemporary music from the North of Europe, after an introductory performance of their host choir in Bonn, the Songbirds of the FEG.
In between Merzi Rajala from Finland will do open singing with the choirs and the audience.
Workshop on June 15th, 14.h, Theater im Ballsaal Bonn-Endenich, with Merzi Rajala presenting the Choirs for Ecocide project
The concert will be preceded by a workshop with Merzi Rajala from Finland who will present the “Choirs for Ecocide” project whose main objective is to raise awareness about the necessity of classifying large-scale environmental destruction (ecocide) as an international crime. The project offers a 60-minute popular music concert programme with a storyline titled ‘Let Us Change the Rules!’, available for choirs worldwide – free of charge. It is designed by artists from Finland and Sweden. Merzi will present the concept and the repertoire, participants will watch videos and listen to recordings of the songs and sing excerpts of a part of the repertoire themselves.
Choirs for Ecocide Law is supported by the European Choral Association in the frame of the EU-funded IGNITE project.