We are excited to share with you the latest from the choral sector✨
Enjoy reading our May newsflash!

Check it out  👉 HERE

You will read about:

🐝The European Choral Association at the Bonner Schumannfest
🐝”PAX-Choir in movement” concert and reception in Brussels
🐝The European Choral Association at Classical:NEXT
🐝Choral Festival Network’s General Assembly in Cork
🐝Have you missed our last webinars? Check them out!
🐝Reaching out to Greece at the Thessaloniki Choral Festival
🐝Exciting News from our Youth Committee
🐝International Choral Festival Barcelona
🐝Fosco Corti International Competition for Choral Conductors + Study Tour – 3rd edition
🐝Special European Elections
… and much more!